Category: Dying days in heaven

  • Dying Days In Heaven – An Introduction

    Dying Days In Heaven – An Introduction

    Introduction to the first three chapters of the Sisyphean novel. Intro 1 min. Each chapter 20 mins

  • ‘Perhaps just a little bit perverse’

    ‘Perhaps just a little bit perverse’

    It is your retirement party. You are embittered and angry as your career has been a lie; you had been blackmailed into acting as a spy for a decrepit dictatorship that lost the war. You want to escape back to the family farm. 20 minutes.

  • The Phantasm on Levity’s Shoulder

    The Phantasm on Levity’s Shoulder

    Salubrious greetings to you one and all nd it’s a pleasure introducing meself cause I’s your humble narrator on this journey and me name is Toko and I’s the phantasm that sits on Levity’s shoulder. We was wanderin in the valley of desolation starving and dehydratin and thinkin that mebbe the end of brain thought…

  • Wun is 45 going on 25 anticipating immortality

    Wun is 45 going on 25 anticipating immortality

    Wun is an integrated complexity of artificial, mechanical and Sapien parts driven by a consciousness enhanced through chemical stimulation. Wun lives ten steps beyond the author and refuses to display patience and wait. The author considers Wun is underdeveloped and Wun retorts, ‘that is just because you do not understand me.’ In return the author…